Goodbye son of wisdom and progress!

  • Ashraful Islam, Planning Editor,
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Photo: Collected

Photo: Collected

Prominent security and geopolitical analyst Major General (retired) Abdur Rashid passed away early today (June 14, 2024) while undergoing treatment at the Combined Military Hospital in Dhaka, after an illustrious life of 70 years. Outside of this broad identity, when you approach him as an individual, you feel that he is a son of wisdom and progress. Normally, after serving important duties in the Bangladesh Army, most of the military officers are no longer seen in the public sphere. In that judgment, General Abdur Rashid was a completely exceptional personality. We know that he has shown remarkable success in all fields including training and command management in his professional life. But the aspect that has become much bigger than that is that Abdur Rashid has been able to effectively utilize the experience gained in his professional life for the welfare of the society and the state.

One Abdur Rashid followed military knowledge and Socio-State as well as global geopolitics so deeply that the national media of Bangladesh used to listen to his analysis with great interest. The extraordinary eloquence revealed in the analysis of this uncompromising former military officer on the question of liberation war and progressive Bangladesh is rare among contemporary analysts. His comparative study of the subject concerned was so extensive and profound that it distinguished him among many speakers. Abdur Rashid did not only shine himself but also increased the glory of Bangladesh Army in his seven decades of life.


I got to know him long ago through his scholarly writings and speeches. But I have had the opportunity to know the real man only for 1 year. During this period there was only 3 direct meetings with General Abdur Rashid. Twice at his Mirpur DOHS residence and once at my invitation he came as a speaker at the Friendship Day discussion. Also, at least 10-15 phone calls have been made with him. The deep hypnosis created for General Abdur Rashid at this time is undoubtedly a significant chapter in his life memory.

Especially the appreciation of Abdur Rashid's personality created by being in his presence is important for everyone. The two times I went to his house, the professional discussion gradually turned into a long conversation. The scheduled meeting of half an hour turned into 3 and half hours. The main tone of the discussion there was mainly the resonance of ideological solidarity. Bangladesh's great liberation war, progressivism, the outside world's view of Bangladesh-repeatedly revolved around the center of his discussion. General Abdur Rashid received military training from the United States. He was very aware of the experience of the Pentagon and the mentality of the US military leaders. That's why we will see, General Rashid's discussion of moderation is a wonderful introduction!

His candid assessment of the recent Russia-Ukraine war, Israeli brutality in Gaza, Myanmar's internal civil war, Rohingya crisis, China's strategic position, India's Kaladan multimodal project in Myanmar or the rise of separatists in Bangladesh was extremely erudite and informative. We were impressed by the modesty and sincerity in the personal behavior of this wise man with journalists. Today when I sit down to write something about him, many things are crowding in my memory. Even as a military officer, his excellence in standard use of Bengali language has always impressed me. Recently I have seen him suffering from breathlessness while talking for a long time, even the doctor had forbidden it but still he could not remain speechless. He considered speaking and writing as his lifelong duty to the state.

General Abdur Rashid was always concerned about the foreign orientation of our politicians. He thought that because our politicians lacked patriotism, they were open to foreigners, but they were just as backward in international conspiracies about Bangladesh. In a recent exclusive interview to, he said, 'Since there is a Rohingya problem in Bangladesh, we should adopt a two-pronged diplomacy. On the one hand, connections should be made with the Arakan Army, whether overtly or covertly. And naturally, we have diplomacy with Myanmar at the government level.'- Abdur Rashid also commented that Bangladesh is looking for a solution to the Rohingya crisis.

We have seen Abdur Rashid's deep analysis in the broad context of contemporary geopolitics being realized in many cases. He has also made an outstanding contribution to military diplomacy in recent decades. His departure is an irreparable loss to the country at this time of world war.

Because of the ideological proximity, beyond the professional requirements, General Abdur Rashid's child received love and affection. The last time we spoke after returning from Singapore for treatment, he told me in a confident voice that he hoped to make a full recovery soon. Hr promised to come to my organizational office and also accepted a lunch invitation. But that wish remained unfulfilled.

Finally, it can be said that one Abdur Rashid was an asset of the Bangladesh Army and the State. His wisdom, patriotism and undying devotion to progress are truly unmatched. Long will he live among us for his illustrious career and ideals. May his heavenly life be peaceful, we wish that.