Beginning of Fiery March
Fiery March, the month of the logical outcome of the dreams of the Bengali nation, begins today. The biggest event in the long political history of Bangladesh is the great liberation war of 1971. Through this historic event of armed freedom struggle, the socio-political dreams of the Bengali nation for thousands of years have been fulfilled in this month. In this month, the nation will celebrate the golden jubilee of its great independence.
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman declared the independence of Bangladesh on March 25, 1971, before being arrested when the barbaric Pakistani forces started mass killings. At the call of Bangabandhu, forts were built from house to house. People of all ages joined the Great War of Liberation. After nine months of bloody armed war, the nation gained independence on December 16.
Earlier, the undisputed leader of the nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman warned the Pakistani rulers on March 7 that they cannot keep seven crore people under control. When we have learned to die, no one can hold us back. When I have given blood, I will give more. I will free the people of this country - Inshallah. This struggle is the struggle for our liberation; this struggle is the struggle for freedom. Jai Bangla
During this historic speech delivered on March 7, 1971 at the Resercos Maidan, the crowd roared with roars. The same voice of millions of voices began to be uttered from one end of the country to the other. The flag of the red sun was fluttering on the green ground in the whole country including Dhaka.
In the dark night of March 25, the Pakistanis started the massacre of Bengalis under the name of 'Operation Searchlight' to silence the Bengali voice forever. Thousands of people were indiscriminately killed by Pakistani soldiers on the streets of Dhaka. The marauding invading Pakistani army attacked various educational institutions including Dhaka University and killed students and teachers.