Power, energy sector was supposed to be the backbone, but it has become a burden due to the wrong policies of the previous government. 16-point recommendations including formation of independent commission of inquiry, cancellation of special provisions law were presented.
These proposals were given at a press conference on the topic of Citizens' Expectations of Power and Energy Sector Reforms at the Dhaka Reporters Unity Auditorium on Thursday (September 12). The press conference was organized by the Bangladesh Working Group on Environment and Development (BWGED).
Hasan Mehedi, member secretary of BWGED, said that various individuals and institutions are given the opportunity to steal profits. Many laws and policies have been made to favor special groups. A commission needs to be constituted to bring out these anomalies.
He said, we applaud the suspension of the Special Provisions Act. Not only should it be suspended, but the master plan prepared by JICA should be cancelled. It contains various inconsistencies and errors.
He also said that despite the previous government's talk of reducing dependence on fossil fuels, there has been no real progress. Gas-fired power plants produce electricity 49.3 percent of the time, remaining idle 51 percent of the time. Yet new LNG based gas power plants are being approved, which is totally unacceptable. Now is the time to stop sanctioning these failed projects and focus on sustainable and renewable energy.
Research Director of the Center for Policy Dialogue (CPD) Khandkar Gholam Moazzem said that a dominant cycle had developed in the energy and power sector, which had to be broken. The laws that were enacted in the past were meant to protect the interests of certain individuals or groups. Now in terms of making laws and policies, decisions should be made in the light of public welfare and scientific knowledge. There has long been a reluctance to adopt knowledge-based policies. Now is the time to break out of that reluctance and give the highest priority to knowledge in policy decisions.
The Rapid Increase in Supply of Electricity and Fuel (Special Provisions) Act, 2010 (with amendments) is repealed with immediate effect. Setting up of the Independent Public Inquiry Commission, Initial Environmental Assessment (IEE) and Environmental Assessment Report (EIA) should be made open and mandatory. Bringing fossil fuel based power plants under 'no electricity no pay' policy. All fossil fuel based power plants contracted but not under construction must be cancelled. Cancellation of approved and proposed construction of new LNG terminals, granting status of independent division to Sustainable and Renewable Energy Authority (SREDA), import duty and VAT exemption for renewable energy machinery and equipment, ensuring good governance in the power and energy sector, eliminating corruption in the sector and balancing the environment 16 points of demands are presented to protect and eliminate the risk of climate change .