There are 8921 tons of milk deficits in the country

  • Toriqul Islam Sumon, Senior Correspondent,
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Photo: Collected

Photo: Collected

Milk is the best for preventing unwholesome deficit and malnutrition. But despite the increase in milk production through various initiatives of the government, there is a huge shortage. According to official estimates, currently 193.38 milliliters of milk is available per capita against the daily demand of 250 milliliters. The deficit is 54 grams. According to the current demand in the country, this deficit has reached 8 thousand 921 metric tons.

According to nutritionists, milk is the best for maximum nutritional value. Lactose is the essential component of milk, which helps in body structure, development and intellectual growth. Milk is the main ingredient for protecting human health. A large section of the population of Bangladesh is deprived of liquid milk. Cow's milk contains essential amino acids, various vitamins and minerals such as chromium, manganese, iron, cobalt, copper, zinc, iodine and selenium. The composition of cow's milk is 86.5% water, 4.8% lactose, 4.5% fat, 3.5% protein and 0.7% vitamins and minerals.


According to the Department of Animal Husbandry, cows are the main source of milk in the country. Ninety percent of milk comes from cows, eight percent comes from goats and two percent comes from buffaloes. The growth rate of milk production from 1989-90 to 2001-02 financial year is 2.4 percent, from 2009-10 to 2019-20 financial year the growth rate of milk production is 16.44 percent. At present, 193.38 ml is available per capita against the daily demand of 250 ml of milk.

President of Bangladesh Dairy Farmers Association Imran Hossain said, without increasing the number of cows, we should think about increasing per capita production. That is why there is no alternative to breed development. Although the milk production of indigenous cows is 5-7 kg, a cow of improved breed gives milk up to 20-40 kg. Breeds should be improved by cross breeding by collecting seeds of improved varieties.

He also said that the production of buffalo milk should be increased through breed development. For this, we have to go towards selective breeding by bringing Indian Gir or any other breed. Various public and private institutions should come forward. Farmers should be given various suggestions including modern sheds, silage, vaccines. Above all, the government should take measures so that the farmers can safely sell the milk produced. Only then will our milk shortage be met.

Thursday (June 1) is World Milk Day. As always, this year too, the Directorate of Livestock under the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock has taken various programs nationwide on this day. On this occasion, 'World Dairy Day Celebration' and 'Dairy Icon Celebration' programs have been organized at Krishibid Institution Auditorium in the capital. Bangladesh Government and World Bank funded and implemented by the Directorate of Livestock is providing support in the organization of the 'Livestock and Dairy Development Project (LDDP)'.

Apart from Dhaka, multifaceted programs have been taken on the occasion of World Milk Day 2023 in 61 districts covered by the LDDP project. Feeding of children of various primary schools/orphanages, quiz competition, essay and drawing competition, rally and meeting will be organized and prizes will be distributed.

According to related sources, 41 successful farmers and entrepreneurs of the country's dairy sector were awarded in four categories. Organized for the second time in the country, the number of sector-wise selected organizations are - 20 in the dairy farm category, 8 in the animal feed processing category, 9 in the milk/meat processing category and 4 in the farm mechanization category. Each prize is worth TK. 1 lakh. Along with that every institution will be given crest and certificate. Earlier in the year 2022, 39 institutions were awarded in 4 categories.

Chaired by Director General of Animal Resources Dr Md Emdadul Haque Talukder, Minister of Liberation War Affairs A.K.M. Mozammel Haque will attend the event as the chief guest and present the awards to the selected dairy icons. Parliamentary Standing Committee on Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock, President Dhirendra Debnath Shambhu MP, Secretary of the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock Nahid Rashid will be present as special guest.