Seven Myths about Mental Health

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Seven Myths about Mental Health

Seven Myths about Mental Health

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Dispelling myths about mental health can help break the stigma and create a culture that encourages people of any age to seek support when they need it. Here are seven common misconceptions about mental health:

  1. Myth: If a person has a mental health condition, it means the person has low intelligence.

Fact: Mental illness, like physical illness, can affect anyone regardless of intelligence, social class, or income level.

  1. Myth: You only need to take care of your mental health if you have a mental health condition.

Fact: Everyone can benefit from taking active steps to promote their well-being and improve their mental health. Similarly, everyone can take active steps and engage in healthy habits to optimize their physical health.

  1. Myth: Poor mental health is not a big issue for teenagers. They just have mood swings caused by hormonal fluctuations and act out due to a desire for attention.

Fact: Teenagers often have mood swings, but that does not mean that adolescents may not also struggle with their mental health. Fourteen per cent of the world’s adolescents experience mental-health problems. Globally, among those aged 10–15, suicide is the fifth most prevalent cause of death, and for adolescents aged 15–19 it is the fourth most common cause. Half of all mental health conditions start by the age of 14.

  1. Myth: Nothing can be done to protect people from developing mental health conditions.

Fact: Many factors can protect people from developing mental health conditions, including strengthening social and emotional skills, seeking help and support early on, developing supportive, loving, warm family relationships, and having a positive school environment and healthy sleep patterns. The ability to overcome adversity relies on a combination of protective factors, and neither environmental nor individual stressors alone will necessarily result in mental health problems. Children and adolescents who do well in the face of adversity typically have biological resistance as well as strong, supportive relationships with family, friends and adults around them, resulting in a combination of protective factors to support well-being.

  1. Myth: A mental health condition is a sign of weakness; if the person were stronger, they would not have this condition.

Fact: A mental health condition has nothing to do with being weak or lacking willpower. It is not a condition people choose to have or not have. In fact, recognizing the need to accept help for a mental health condition requires great strength and courage. Anyone can develop a mental health condition.

  1. Myth: Adolescents who get good grades and have a lot of friends will not have mental health conditions because they have nothing to be depressed about.

Fact: Depression is a common mental health condition resulting from a complex interaction of social, psychological, and biological factors. Depression can affect anyone regardless of their socioeconomic status or how good their life appears at face value. Young people doing well in school may feel pressure to succeed, which can cause anxiety, or they may have challenges at home. They may also experience depression or anxiety for no reason that can be easily identified.

  1. Myth: Bad parenting causes mental conditions in adolescents.

Fact: Many factors – including poverty, unemployment, and exposure to violence, migration, and other adverse circumstances and events – may influence the well-being and mental health of adolescents, their caregivers and the relationship between them. Adolescents from loving, supporting homes can experience mental health difficulties, as can adolescent from homes where there may be caregivers who need support to maintain an optimum environment for healthy adolescent development. With support, caregivers can play an essential role in helping adolescents to overcome any problems they experience.

(This article is based on UNICEF and the World Health Organization's Teacher’s Guide to the Magnificent Mei and Friends Comic Series.)

Nutritional properties and benefits of dragon fruit

Lifestyle Desk,
Pic: Collected

Pic: Collected

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A dragon fruit that is attractive to look at and packed with nutrients. Although this fruit is foreign, now it is being cultivated in the country. Day by day this fruit has become very popular.

As a result, red fruit is rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants, which reduce the risk of various diseases.

Nutrient-rich dragon fruit contains as much vitamin C as an orange and three carrots combined.

Vitamin C boosts our immune system, brightens skin and makes teeth beautiful.

Dragon fruit contains lycopene. Studies have shown that consuming a certain amount of lycopene daily can significantly reduce the risk of breast cancer. So one should consume a dragon fruit daily to avoid the risk of breast cancer. Besides, dragon fruit contains high amount of iron, which can cure our anemia. People suffering from anemia can avoid anemia to a great extent if they eat dragon fruit daily.

Dragon fruit contains potassium which keeps our heart healthy by controlling high blood pressure. Dragon fruit keeps the body healthy by eliminating bad cholesterol and improving good cholesterol. Since dragon fruit is low in carbohydrates and fat, diabetics can easily consume it. It will not affect any sugar level.

Dragon fruit also contains phosphorus and calcium. Hence it helps in preventing tooth and bone decay. Dragon fruit has a lot of water content, so eating this fruit can keep you healthy and alive. So dragon fruit should be consumed to meet the requirement of vitamin C.


'The Paris Premium Salon And Spa' Luxury Gent's Parlor On Panthapath

Lifestyle desk,
'The Paris Premium Salon And Spa' opening by hero niran and choriographer shohag

'The Paris Premium Salon And Spa' opening by hero niran and choriographer shohag

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the luxury gentlemen's parlor "The Paris Premium Salon And Spa" commenced its journey on the western Panthapath of the capital city (Adjacent to Square Hospital, Arabi Tower). Renowned actor Nirab Hossain and choreographer Ivan Shahriar Sohag inaugurated the new gentlemen's parlor by cutting a cake.

The chairman of the parlor, Mr. Mohammad Jashim Uddin was also present at the event. He said to the media, "We aimed to establish a state-of-the-art gentlemen's parlor. We have completed all the tasks in Paris before the upcoming Eid-ul-Fitr festival so that customers can avail of all our services. Now, we are just waiting for the customers."

'The Paris Premium Salon And Spa' Luxury Gent's Parlor Draws Star-Studded Attention

Actor Nirab expressed, "I am very impressed by Paris. I am satisfied with their service. I will tell my fans to come and receive services at this parlor near Dhanmondi 32. Hopefully, Paris Gentlemen's Parlor will become a trusted place for all fashionable youths."

Choreographer Sohag stated, "I am very pleased with the environment of Paris Gentlemen's Parlor. I believe it will win the hearts of the youths of advanced areas like Dhanmondi."

logo of 'The Paris Premium Salon And Spa' 

In relevance, at Paris Gentlemen's Parlor, services such as haircuts, beard trims, manicures, pedicures, facials, hair coloring, hair treatments, spa treatments, and all kinds of grooming services for men will be available.


Silent warrior!

Feature Desk,, Dhaka
Photo: Collected

Photo: Collected

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'Invest in women, accelerate progress' is the slogan for Women's Day 2024. March 8 is International Women's Day. The day is being celebrated in all the countries of the world. Many make special arrangements for their beloved women. However, many people may not know how the celebration of Women's Day started.

Women were once neglected and oppressed during the patriarchal era. Far from being equal to men, women did not get even some basic freedoms. Overcoming all those obstacles, women are now moving the world forward on an equal footing. But this change did not come overnight. Over the years, women's collective protests in different places paved the way for the current picture to emerge.

At one time women did not even have the right to vote or go outside to work. There were various restrictions on clothes, food, grooming and lifestyle. With the evolution of time and due to family needs, women started going outside to work. But still the discrimination between men and women in work is noticeable.

In 1908, women working in garments took to the streets of New York. Their main demands were shorter working hours, better pay and the right to vote. International Women's Day was celebrated for the first time on February 28, 1909, on the demand of this movement. Some people have different opinions on this matter. According to them, Women's Day was celebrated on March 19, 1911 in the United States and some European countries. But basically, there is information about celebrating Women's Day on March 8 for the first time in Russia.

The journey of women's movement was not easy. Their demands were not easily accepted, either. After many years of waiting, this women's day is recognized worldwide. In 1975, the United Nations declared March 8 as International Women's Day. Since then, Women's Day has been celebrated on this date.

Women are charming, women are compassionate, women are magical. Able to keep everything organized with care. As it knows how to fill with love, it also has the ability to shake the battlefield. A mother, a sister, a wife, a teacher, every woman walking on the street or sitting next to her on the bus is a silent warrior.


A bird born in cage; dies in cage!

Raju Ahmed, Staff Correspondent,
photo: Barta24

photo: Barta24

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Hearing the word Bajrigar, one thinks of a hunter or a brave person or animal. Although the name has an obsession with speed, in reality the name of a small bird of calm and beauty is Bajrigar.

Crooked yellow lips, blue, white or mixed skin color. Sometimes people are born with all the colors of the rainbow. This bird has different names depending on the skin color. But whatever the color, the little bird is incomparable in intelligence. This bird has the unique quality of showing love by gently touching the partner sometimes by kissing the lips, sometimes by gently touching the partner's head as a responsible loved one.

With all these qualities and easy to pet, Bajrigar is at the top of the list of bird lovers. The millet bird is capable of grabbing people's attention even if they don't want to due to physical activity. That's why bird lovers are desperate to keep Bajrigor in a cage. Capitalizing on the needs of people, commercial farms have also been established in different parts of the country. But as the environment of the country is not favorable for the Bajrigar bird, it is not possible to keep this bird in the open air. So over time the current synopsis of the forest millet of the east and south-west coast regions of Australia is born in a cage, died in a cage.

Bajrigar bird is a well-known pet bird but it is known by different names depending on the place and region. In America the millet is known as Little Parakeet. This bird is also known as Baji or Shell Parakeet, Canary Parrot, Zebra Parrot, Common Pet Parakeet, Undulated Parakeet Bajrigor and Badri.

Typically wild millet is about 6.5–7 inches in length and about 7–8 inches in cage. Besides, wild millet is 25–35 gm and caged millet is up to 35–40 gm. Adult male millets have blue membranes around their nostrils. This membrane extends between the forehead and lips along with the nostrils. A mature female millet has a brown membrane surrounding its nostrils. This membrane extends between the forehead and lips along with the nostrils.

At the age of 8-9 months, millets become adults. Bajrigor birds are able to lay 8-13 eggs at a time. And at the time of laying eggs, millet birds also need a secluded place. It takes 18 days from egg to hatch. The average lifespan of millet birds is 4-5 years, but can live up to 10-12 years in cages.

This small species of bird is also popular for its intelligence. Hearing ability is also very good. It can remember big words or sentences very easily. As soon as millet hears a word from its owner, it remembers and repeats it. So the attraction of bird lovers is more in Bajrigor.

Although it is an exotic bird, it is found in different parts of the country. Besides, there is a fair of bajrigar birds in the university market of Kantaban area of the capital every day. Although coastal areas are the native habitat of these birds, one or more cage mates are sufficient for their survival. Keeping that in mind, traders have arranged a family of birds in cages at University Market. They have tried to match male and female millers and pair them according to age. The chirping and beauty of many miller birds together attracts the passers-by.

Manager of New Bird Paradise Noor Hossain said, due to its beauty and flexibility, Bajrigor is the top choice of bird lovers. Although we brought it from abroad earlier, now Bajrigar bird farms have been established in different parts of the country. Tk. 500-1000 birds with cages are available. Anyone can keep a bird very easily as we provide information on bird food and care.

Meanwhile, many people have become self-sufficient by building commercial bajrigar bird farms in different regions of the country. Among them is Imran Hossain of Syedpur Upazila of Nilphamari. He is now self-sufficient by building a commercial bird farm with only Tk. 13 thousand. Currently, his farm has birds worth about Tk. 3 lakh. And now Imran's monthly income is about Tk. 50 thousand by selling bajrigar birds. He has also gained a lot of experience in keeping millet birds for a long time.

Imran Hossain told that bajrigar cannot survive even five minutes in the open air in the environment of our country. It can't escape from attacks of other birds and snakes, frogs, rats and small animals on the ground. As a result, it is better to keep this bird in a cage or small house in the country.

Wild animals are beautiful in the forest, children in the mother's heart are proverbial but nature and environment sometimes wants an exception. And so, to keep the beauty alive, birth in the cage and death in the cage is now a big identity of the millet bird.
